Saturday, December 04, 2004

Let's Talk, Shall We?

I have done the "This is my political opinion" blog and it no longer is what I'm after. What I want to do is a more communal blog where various writers, maybe even you, post on a certain political or social topic which, then, is discussed by people with various viewpoints.

Here is what I have in mind:

  1. I’d like to hear your ideas for topics of discussion: you can leave suggested topics in comments here or I can be reached at; all topics will be considered. I will collate the topics and publish a list here.
  2. Once we have the topics, I will suggest one to be the topic for discussion.
  3. I will then accept articles on the discussion topic via email. Depending on how many I receive, I may select what I view to be the best from among the submissions and publish them on the new blog.
These will form the basis for a conversation to which anyone may contribute: hard Right to Far Left; hence the title.

There will be ground rules, of course. I'm looking for reasoned debate, not ad hominem attack. Foul language will be edited or even form grounds for rejection. Articles will be expected to remain on the given topic and be kept reasonably short. Other than that, any position on the topic is acceptable.

So what do you think?

I have received four topics for discussion from Sara over at Somewhat Silent. They are:
- Ending abortion.
- Protecting the nation from terrorism
- Create a thriving American economy
- Eliminate or minimize government interference in our lives
All are relevant, important, and certain to generate viewpoints from each end of the spectrum. Just the sort of topics wanted.


Blogger Kate said...

the one opinion I have so far is What A WONDERFUL idea. I'm a flaming bleeding heart liberal who wandered into your blog through BE and despite our differences in politics, I can sense basic respect and willingness to be open on your part.

The best part of your idea would be when you (as the moderator) can pick out common ideas.

For instance . . .abortion: I'm prochoice, I feel that the choice is too important to be left up to the government and should be between a woman and her doctor -- on the other hand I think it's terrible that so many are performed.

The middle point, where an anti-abortionist and I can meet: How do we help ensure that fewer women feel that they have to make that choice?

12/06/2004 07:09:00 AM  

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